Daily English Phrasal Verbs Part 1 | Learn English Phrases

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 Important #Phrasal_Verbs (Part-1)

Daily English Language Phrase Verbs And nouns 

English Phrases Synonyms antonyms 

1. Answer for: to be answerable for (किसी गलत बात की जिम्मेदारी लेना)

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Eg: If one makes mistake then one should be ready to answer for it.

2. Ask after: to inquire about (किसी के बारे में पूछताछ करना)

Eg: Ravi had to contact branch office to ask after the delay in the process.

3. Attend on: to serve (सेवा करना)

Eg:  We should not forget to attend on our grandparents in their old age.

4. Back out: to choose not to do something agreed (किसी सहमत बात से पीछे हटना)

Eg:  After his father had refused him, he backed out of picnic plan.

5. Back up: to support (सहायता देना)

Eg: I couldn’t have solved this issue without your back up.

6. Bear down: to press down heavily (दबाना या कुचलना)

Eg:  The snow bore down on the roof. (बर्फ़बारी ने छत पर दबाव बनाया)

7. Blow over: to pass without harming (बिना नुकसान पहुचाये गुजर जाना)

Eg: My headache finally blew over.

8. Bound for: going to a destination (किसी स्थान को जाता हुआ)

Eg: This train is bound for Chennai.

9. Break down (of machinery) : to stop working (कम करना बंद कर देना)

Eg: Our car broke down on the way of Udaipur. (कार ने ख़राब होने के कारण कम करना बंद कर दिया)

10. Break down: to lose control emotionally (रोने लगना)

Eg: The old lady broke down when heard news of her son’s death.

11. Break into: to enter illegally (जबरदस्ती घुसना)

Eg: Last night, some thieves broke into our neighbor’s house.

12. Break out: to start (of disease or war etc.) (अचानक फैलना)

Eg: In Southern Jaipur, the swine flu has broken out.

13. Break up (of relationship) : to end/separate (अलग हो जाना)

Eg: Suman and Sohan broke up after 5 year’s long relationship.

14. Bring about: to cause to happen (होने का कारण होना)

Eg: This injury on my hand brought about skin infection to my whole body. (इन्फेक्शन होने का कारण हाथ पर हुई चोट हैं)

15. Bring down: to reduce (कम करना)

Eg: Carelessness in studies brings down the performance of student in exam.

16. Bring up: to raise, to rear (पालन पोषण करना)

Eg: After My parent’s death in an accident, I was brought up by my grandparents.

17. Call for: to demand (मांग करना)

Eg: The Company workers called for extra wages.

18. Call off: to cancel (रद्द कर देना)

Eg: Due to heavy rainfall, we had to call off our picnic plan.

19. Call on: to pay a visit (जाकर मुलाकात करना)

Eg: The Rural development minister calls on rural areas every month.

20. Call up: to recall (याद करना)

Eg: Although Tina is an atheist, she calls up God when in trouble.

21. Carry on: to continue (जारी रखना)


Eg: After rain had stopped, we carried on our party on roof.

22. Carry out: to execute (किसी कार्य को पूरा करना)

Eg: The Supervisor carried out all the instructions carefully given by Manager.

23. Catch up (with): to stop being behind (बराबरी पर आ जाना)

Eg: Though Rajan took admission in midsession, he caught up with his classmates in final exams.

24. Clear someone of: to free from blame (आरोप मुक्त करना)

Eg: The Court has cleared him of all the charges leveled against him.

25. Come about: to happen (घटित होना)

Eg: What came about last night?  I had heard something.

26. Come across: to meet by chance (अचानक मुलाकात होना)

Eg: Yesterday, while wandering in the market, I came across my old school friend.

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